Friday, March 05, 2010

Still finishing up

I thought that getting the pink border and the star borders done would mean the Stars for a New Day border would be complete and ready to attach. 

BUT.. it turns out that each corner of this border has a log cabin block so I've been slowly doing those.  

Only one left to complete.... but the strips are cut and ready to go.

They're paper-pieced so very easy to do but once again, I ran into life situations that have delayed getting them together and onto the quilt.

I'm hosting an Academy Awards party for a few people so I have to stop what I'm doing and get a dress put together.  Here it is in it's pre-sewn form.

Also, my youngest dd has been diagnosed with pneumonia so she's off work and having a hard time breathing right now so I'm going to make a long drive off-island to pick up her antibiotics as well as some groceries for both her and her kittycat.

Hopefully, by the next time I add a post to this blog I will have completed both my quilt... and my dress... and will have pictures of both to share.  And my dd will be feeling much better.

'Til next week then.

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