Rather I have been making blocks for a quilt. I'm working on a Dear Jane quilt; you can see it here... The blocks are only 5 inches unfinished and some of the blocks have more than 25 pieces in them... it's really quite an endeavour. So far I'm enjoying it even though I am not a very good applique-er and there's lots of appliqueing in this quilt. The others who have made or are making this same quilt have a motto, which is "better finished than perfect" so I have been adhering to that as I go along. By the time I've finished this quilt, I should have learned some new skills which will make me a better quilter overall. I hope. I have done 57 of the blocks and 14 of the triangles that go around the edges. In total, there are 159 blocks and 52 triangles so I have a way to go. I've been working on it, off and on, since September 2007.
As I figure out how to post pictures, I may post a picture of each block as I complete it. We'll see. Currently, I'm keeping track of the quilt by putting a tiny picture of each block on an Excel spreadsheet so I can see how the colours all look together as I go along... and I do pin them onto a 'wall' also.
So, I'll be back... now that I don't want to post at the previous SofA site any more. I try to understand how people who take our children for their own can be so cold about contact and really anything after they sweet talk a girl into giving her child to them to raise. Rich vs. poor. Ever the story....