I'm not such a good photographer but I do like to take pictures to remind me of how pretty nature is. This is a tree out front that has changed to it's Fall colors. I really enjoy looking out my window and seeing those bright red leaves.
It's not cold enough yet so there are still lots of sailboats in the marina and on sunny days, they go sailing. Wish one of them was mine.
Jaik, my diabetic kitty, seems better on his new diet. I hope his good health continues; it's nice not to have to worry about him constantly. He's playing occasionally again and going for longer walks so I'm thinking positive thoughts about him.
There has been lots of torrential rain here overnight and then again mid-morning. With the advent of Fall weather, I've peeled apples and cooked apple crisps
peeled and sliced apples |
and then made cauliflower soup, which is one of my favorites.
Simmering cauliflower; still to be blended and cream added |
The problem I have is that there is always too much of everything and I can't eat it all so I enjoy what I can - a few meals - then it gets tossed. My freezer is full. My son and daughters cook also and send meals home with me too. It's all good.
On Sunday morning, my oldest dd called and said her dog had escaped the night before when a guest accidentally left the door open. So immediately I began posting on PetFinders and my younger dd and a co-worker saw a posting for a found dog. Unfortunately the finder didn't check their email as often as an owner might have liked and it was late Sunday night before I got a call saying that her dog was penned up not far from where I am. That dog was sure happy to see me when I got there... and was ecstatic to see my dd when I got him home. Here's a picture of the escape artist:
I am so happy he's home safe. He was found on a highway running between cars... probably smelled a female in heat. He had been neutered a week before and still had stitches so wasn't even supposed to be outside. Maybe we should have had his nose neutered.
I was able to complete another block for my yellow quilt this week:
I also finished the embroidered block albeit with the machine:
It's not perfect but it's done. Some of it hand-done; some machine-done. Oh well, I'm not perfect... and I really am not a perfect quilter. I think it looks good though and in the context of a very busy quilt top, it doesn't stand out any more than one of the other blocks.
One more block to go and the fifth row will be done! Life is good. Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful Fall weather.