Okay, I have to think back about what the heck has happened since February 18, 2018. It seems strange that two years can go by and I have so few memories of the passing days, months, years. Am I really that boring? Nope, I’m not.....lots has been going on, sometimes too much.
I spend a lot of time sewing clothing. I get a lot of enjoyment from reading the patterns, putting the pieces together in the right way. I do a pretty good job of it. One thing that I’m going to do better this year is pick nicer fabric, research which fabric & color will make the pattern stand out and make me feel better wearing it. I’ve found that even if I choose a nice fabric that often what I make doesn’t go with anything else I’ve made. Or maybe goes with only one other thing.
I’m not good at blogging
February’18 snowfall |
Scrap “pouf” |
Xmas gnome 2018 |
Me-Made |
Pirate costume 2018 |
One cataract gone September 2018 |
Cataracts gone! |
Double Wedding Ring - finally done! 2018 |
Gray wool pants 11/2018 |
Gray wool trousers |
Snickerdoodles |
Armie 2018 |
Snickerdoodles |
I had cataracts removed from both eyes in September 2018 after my optometrist said it would be a good idea. Best advice I’ve ever got. No regrets!
I hadn’t put a Christmas tree up in 2016 or 2017 but I realized life had to go on and in 2018 as well as 2019, I put up my tree, unpacked my ornaments, decorated my mantel....but I didn’t feel at all festive. For some reason, my joy had gone from Christmas. I think because Laura was such a wonderful person who loved buying gifts for people, that I can’t have a Christmas without her. So, no more tree; I’ll find a different way to celebrate. It makes me feel sad when I think that I’ll never have Christmas with her ever again. So that happened! A mindset changed!
Also, past 80, so no more birthday celebrations either. Birthday parties are for the young. Birthday dinners are for us late middle-agers. I heard that term recently and really like it. I know I’m old and can’t do some things any more but I don’t feel aged. I walk pretty well, can still read and I think, hear well too. I have RA but no other advanced age disabilities. So I feel more middle-aged than elderly! Haha! I’m sure it’s all in the mind.
Unfortunately, things can change fast when you’re over 80. My husband, Richard, lost his ‘significant other’ in April 2019 and within a month, he too was hospitalized with 4 blockages in his heart and also a blockage by his prostate. He went to the hospital bleeding profusely in June and a bag to collect his urine was attached to his leg. He was released from hospital after 3 weeks and a nurse comes daily to change the bag & to check on him since. My sons and I have been trying to get him comfortably settled with home food delivery. We make frequent visits and phone calls. He’s gone back into the hospital a couple of times since September because he finds blood in his urine. They wanted him to gain some weight before he could be operated on but they’ve moved the operation up to early March. Hopefully his heart will survive an operation.
My oldest grandson, Dylan, married Theresa in December 2019. Their wedding was in Sequoia National Park and it snowed beautifully while we were there. Lovely wedding, beautiful bride, friendly folks.....perfection! Dean & Asako were kind enough to make my flight and accommodations happen and I enjoyed being in California so much.
Madeleine moved to the Island in March 2018, worked and saved enough money to spend a month in Europe. She moved to Ottawa to attend school in October 2019. She is missed.
So that’s my two year update. Hopefully it won’t be as long before I write again. I love reading my blog. 🥰