Monday, September 23, 2013

Food, garden, celebrations and....sewing!

It has been a busy couple of weeks here. The weather is changing, too...lots more rain and wind lately. And fog!!

Just look at that harbor! It was foggier earlier but I didn't get my camera out until after I fed the kitties. Of course! We've had high winds some days along with lightning and thunder; maybe you saw some of our weather if you watched the Seahawks game last Sunday. Fall has landed in the Pacific Northwest...and right on time!

Our little town had a quilt festival where the organizers and volunteers hung quilts up and down our Main Street - about 3 blocks long.

Just a few that were hung. On September 18th, the Great Wheel in Seattle lit up in the color teal to call attention to Ovarian cancer and my dd and I went over to see it.
This picture was taken from the ferry on the way over to 'the big city'. It was very beautiful.

Then there was a street fair on the island and the weather was gorgeous. We visited vendors, sat in the wine/beer garden and listened to the bands play while people danced. 
We enjoyed! And L's hair is growing out nicely. Now if only she could get her energy back! I will have to get used to being grateful for the good things in life. She looks great now that she's 6 weeks out of chemo.

Then there was my gson's birthday party during which we ate lemon meringue pie.
He turned 14; I remember seeing the picture of this guy in utero so hard to believe how quickly the years go by. So, we also harvested more vegetables from my dd's garden. Lots of tomatoes!

I've done some sewing but really very little....still need to complete one more row to make this lap quilt 5 (45") across and 6 (56") down. I'm going to add some sashing around the sides also to make it more inches longer and wider. It'll be nice for my dd to keep her toes warm this winter.

One thing I'm trying to figure out is why I can't turn out a quilt a week like some people are able to. Could it be due to this guy?

I'm the slowest quilter in the world, I think! Ah each his own!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

As far as I got...and Life!

This is all I've done on my latest quilt, so now I have a couple (2) of quilts I have to work on after I complete this one. My dd likes the colors so I want to get it done first. Then I won't start anything else until I get those other two (or 3) done. lol

I do like the orange fabric I'm using for sashing but I have to carve out some time to get the rest of the blocks sashed. Not an easy job. It's my grandson's 14th birthday tomorrow; can't wait for the partay!!

My dd spent a week in the San Francisco area visiting with her brother, his wife and her nephew and nieces. She had a great time swimming every day in the pool, shopping, and chatting up the kids.
About a week later she went to see her gynecological oncologist, who thankfully is letting her return to work on October 1st. Dd still tires easily but is looking forward to getting back to her customers and co-workers, who have all been rooting for her during her ovarian cancer fight. L's hair is starting to grow, too, which is a great picker-upper for her. Dr. Gray said dd had a 5% chance of living for 5 years. I am pooh-poohing that prediction. There are great advances being made and L has a fighting spirit! She goes on a list for a stem cell trial in 2014 when it starts; she has to be off chemo for 6 months though in order to be accepted. I know she'll make it!

I have a new fish but haven't named him yet. He's very handsome and comes to see me when I feed him. He learned pretty fast about the 'food drop'.

So, next time I hope to be able to show you a completed top.