Saturday, March 21, 2009


So, let me recount what's gone down over the past week or so. Laura moved out of her little house in with Liza and Madeleine. Unfortunately, a door was left open and Laura's big male orange cat, Budo, made a run for it. He hasn't been seen since Wednesday afternoon.... 3 days ago. We've searched and called him but he's gone. So that's very sad.

Their house looks nice but they have hookup for only one computer and one tv so everything is not perfect yet. But they get to sit outside in the sun to drink tea and have their lunch. Ryka gets to play in the yard, and even Mimi sits and peeks out the door; I predict that she'll come out and play soon.

Richard's birthday is on Tuesday. I found a couple of gifts that I think he'll like and I'll ask him if he would like to go out for lunch. Liza said he was going in to Seattle to see a play (?) and that she and Laura were watching the boys. I'm going to call him tomorrow and get the news from the horse's mouth. Both of the boys are sick with coughs and sore throats; I hope they're feeling better now. I had a very bad pain in my lower left back area.... same place I had the chest pain four years ago when I had pneumonia. It went away after a couple of days and I'm feeling fine now. also, I went to Dr. Koval to ask about a changing mole on my arm; she used nitrogen to burn it off. Well, it's not burnt off but she said it would fall off in a week or so. Otherwise I have to go back. I really hope it falls off.

Chubacca went to the vet on Friday morning. He has something like athlete's foot; his paws need to be dried off so they don't stay wet. Liza started a quilt yesterday - with kitties on it. I continue to work away on my pinwheels and they're all done.... just have to sew a "floater strip" on, then the sewn-together pinwheels. I still have a lot of sawtooth stars to make for the borders though. I'll have to do a few every darn day or I'll be doing loads of them at the end.

Not very exciting, but that's my crazy life so far... busy and a little hectic with different things going on.

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