I couldn't make up my mind to use the same blue for the borders that I had used for the sawtooths on the center block. I auditioned a darker blue and liked it much better.
Then, 4-square blocks had to be made to go around the first border, then triangles had to be added to make them turn on point so they could be sewed into a border. Very time-consuming but I think the final result will be worth the effort.
Finally, the second blue border was added, which completed the second month's BOM challenge except that 16 of those little stars have to be made and put aside for the final border. They're cute but also time consuming to make since they're made up of 8 half-square triangles sewn together with a 2 inch center square of a different color... very cute.
On to March's challenge after I finish the little stars - all 32 of them - 4 down, 28 to go. If I can finish by the end of March, I'll be caught up with the projects on this quilt.
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